AS 204982

I have my own Autonomous System Number, 204982, over at RIPE. This is a hobby project of mine, and currently not looking for new peers.

Prefixes announced

The following prefixes are currently announced and in use:

  • 2a0e:46c3:100::/40
  • 2a0e:3bc0:fa00::/42
  • 2a0e:b107:240::/44

Peering at Internet Exchanges

The aforementioned prefixes will be exported, and nothing else. Prefixes you export will be checked against IRR registrations, and only your prefixes will be imported.

Exchange IPv6 IPv4 Speed
EVIX 2602:fed2:fff:ffff::137 1G
KleyReX 2001:7f8:33::a120:4982:1 100M
LocIX Frankfurt 2a07:1c44:61f0::a200:4982:1 1G

You can also find more information over at PeeringDB.